Jun 28, 12:00 PM EDT

The Big Quiet: Intro to Meditation

The Big Quiet is gathering a group of people to come together virtually to deep-dive into learning and practicing meditation, so you can become a powerfully self-sufficient meditator -- especially in these times when the world needs you most.

They'll be donating a portion of course proceeds to @glits_inc, an org supporting the LGBTQIA+ community on a global scale, and offering a special course rate for BIPOC.

Join Founder @jesseisrael for three 90 min live sessions on zoom where he'll teach the certified @1giantmind Being Technique. It's a style of meditation that’s not about "clearing the mind of thoughts." It's easy to learn, deeply restful & taught in a participatory learning format.

The course is ideal for reducing toxic stress & anxiety, sleeping deeply at night, enhancing your leadership capabilities & getting clear about how you can step up to create change in the world around you.

Want to learn more about the course? They're hosting a free info talk with Jesse on Sunday 6/28 at 6pm EST where you can learn the science & approach to this style of meditation and see if the course is a fit for you. RSVP above.

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