Join Davondra for a discussion on mental health during transition with Nick Fuentes of @modernpathcounseling. They'll talk about why therapists question a persons mental status, how some people transitioning feel and how to best support those in transition and answer your questions.
Oct 27, 12:00 PM EDT
Mental Health When Transitioning with Nick Fuentes

About Davondra Brown
Davondra Brown is a Master Certified Health Education Specialist who specializes in providing sexual wellness education to health and helping professionals. She is published in the Journal of African American Studies, and the author of Alphabet Gumbo: Spice Up Your Sex Pot. She has presented at health and wellness conferences such as the Black Birth Matters Conference, the Black Women’s Wellness Conference and Tulane University’s Sex Week, and serves as the Vice Chair of the Board of Commissioners & Vice-Coordinator of the Division Board for Professional Development, both for the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing.
About Intersextions
With a focus on total health and wellness, Master Certified Health Education Specialist Davondra Brown explores the integration of sexuality into every aspect of one’s well-being. Sexual health and mental health are often kept separate, despite being uniquely intertwined.
Ever thought about what pleasure looks like for a survivor of sexual abuse? If they think about it, who do they go to for help? What about those who have gone through medical trauma? What does sexual wellness look like in a society where all we ever talk about is disease prevention or perversion?
By openly discussing a variety of aspects in sexuality, she and her esteemed guests explore the many ignored ways sex intersects with each of the eight dimensions of health.
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