Oct 06, 8:30 PM EDT

Latest Research in Borderline Personality Disorder

Six researchers from diverse areas will discuss their recent research in the area of BPD. Presented by Australian BPD Foundation Limited as part of its programming for Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Week.


  • Daniel Ring - Stigma perpetuation at the interface of mental health care: a review to compare patient and clinician perspectives of stigma and borderline personality disorder.
  • Dr. Anne Sved-Williams - Research into Mother/Infant DBT.
  • Rita Brown and Jo Veltkamp - Assessment of peer-led workshops for carers (family, friends and partners) supporting a person with a diagnosis (or possible diagnosis) of BPD.
  • Dr. Fiona Ng and Mahlie Jewell - How does research benefit from co-authoring people with lived experience?

Facilitated by Dr. Jillian Broadbear, Senior Researcher, Spectrum

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