We're always happy to speak to reporters about our work, areas of expertise, or related mental health topics. Our board is comprised of a combination of writers, designers, doctors, advocates, fundraisers and content creators who are available for media commentary, including:
- Jane Son, Chair of the Board
- Aaron Harvey, Executive Director
- Rose Cartwright, Cofounder & UK Director of Operations
- Anastasia Kuznetsova, Cofounder & Creative Director
- Lauren O'Shaughnessy, Cofounder & Director of Content
- Dr. Jody Adewale, Medical Advisory Board Member & Clinical Psychologist
- Dr. Imani Walker, Medical Advisory Board Member & Clinical Psychologist
- Dr. Jenny Yip, Medical Advisory Board Member & Clinical Psychologist
- Dr. Jan Weiner, Medical Advisory Board Member & Clinical Psychologist
- Mary-Lyn Kieffer, Director of Operations, Canada
- Solome Tibebu, US Head of Fundraising
With enough lead time, other members of our advisory board may be able to weigh-in. You can view the full team here.
Send all media opportunities, including requests for brand imagery and logos, to [email protected]. If your request is time sensitive, please state your deadline in the subject line.
Apoya nuestro trabajo
Nuestra misión es cambiar la manera en que el mundo percibe la salud mental.