100% de los ganancias financian recursos e iniciativas para salvar vidas.
Tu contribución ayuda a que nuestros escritores, diseñadores, defensores y médicos creen herramientas gratuitas de salud mental para la comunidad global.
Cómo financiar nuestros esfuerzos
The Crisis
1 in 4 will be affected by a mental health disorder at some point in their lives. But less than 40% will ever seek help for their symptoms. And of those that do, it takes an average of 10 years to access quality treatment.

Your Impact
Millions around the world are struggling with untreated mental illness without access to quality information or support. Research shows that educational resources decrease suffering and increase rates of recovery. With your help, we can make those resources possible and get them to people when symptoms first start, rather than decades down the line. Community contributions fund initiatives like educational livestreams, workplace mental health training tools, video series on the full spectrum of conditions, awareness campaigns and more.

Dona por medio de un cheque
Checks should be made payable to Made of Millions Foundation, 228 Park Ave S. PMB 73825 New York, NY 10003
Donaciones internacionales
Made of Millions Foundation is a national charity in Canada. Registration #:753834480RR0001. To make a tax-efficient donation, go to https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/55853.
Donaciones corporativas
¿Interesado en poner a buen uso tu presupuesto de bien social? Por favor, envía un correo electrónico a [email protected] para saber más.
Fundación Made of Millions
228 Park Ave S. PMB 73825 New York, NY 10003

Apoya nuestro trabajo
Nuestra misión es cambiar la manera en que el mundo percibe la salud mental.