Rebecca Lombardo

Rebecca Lombardo

Rebecca Lombardo is a mental health advocate, podcast host and writer living in Michigan. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 19, and anxiety and PTSD later in life. She writes to give her feelings a voice, and help others that are struggling. Her book It's Not Your Journey can be purchased on Amazon.

Artículos disponibles

My Recovery from Self-Injury

Rebecca Lombardo battled self-injury and depression for years, and learned that asking for help is the most important thing sufferers can do.

Written by Rebecca Lombardo

How Do You Stay Brave When All You Want to Do is Disappear?

Advocacy isn't always easy. Rebecca Lombardo shares her struggle with staying brave when she feels the opposite.

Written by Rebecca Lombardo

How Do You Stay Brave When All You Want to Do is Disappear?

The Pressures of Advocacy

As much of an honor as it is to help fight against the stigma of mental illness, it can be exhausting and time-consuming.

Written by Rebecca Lombardo

Dear Me, It's You

A letter from mental health advocate and sufferer, Rebecca Lombardo, to herself.

Written by Rebecca Lombardo

Apoya nuestro trabajo

Nuestra misión es cambiar la manera en que el mundo percibe la salud mental.